Looking for a home in Guatemala
- Oct
- 16
- Posted by Bobby L Byrd
- Posted in News Posts
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Willene and I have spent the last two days looking for our new home in Guatemala. So many options to consider, for example will it be 3 bedrooms or 4 (really small rooms here), in Guatemala City or an adjacent suburb named Mixco, closer to the ministry site or closer to a school for Taylor our daughter, to buy or rent. The list goes on. It is really overwhelming even for someone who has an idea of what serving in a foreign country looks like. Today, after our tour of the school I realized there are a lot of changes getting ready to take place.
We are moving to Guatemala and yes this is much different from moving across town. You would have thought after a 1 year of planning I would have recognized this impending truth. We will live in an area that is probably not our fist choice but I have to believe God has a bigger and better plan than I am able to see. There is no ‘Smuckers All Natural Peanut Butter’ nor is there any ‘Dukes Mayonnaise’ to be found anywhere as of yet. I will all to adjust to the fact that a six lane highway has six lanes for cars and the little space between the lanes of traffic with the white lines are actually reserved for the motorcycles. The hand waving out the left side of any vehicle is as good as if not better than a turn signal. Which brings up an interesting point is there a translation for the different hand signals?
To be completely honest the temptation to be overwhelmed, excited, anxious and at times scared is great. But God’s Word has told us in Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” We are going before the throne of God with our request and asking to be lead by His Holy Spirit in all we do. There is such a freedom and assurance in knowing God will provide and go before us in all He is leading us to do. As we rest in this truth please know it is available to all who call upon His name as Lord & Savior.
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