OmniSolv takes purpose to Guatemala

I have had many opportunities to meet people from all around the world and each time I take away a new understanding of the uniqueness that lies in each of us. The same holds true for the employees of OmniSolv, “The Low Cost Leader of Indirect Supplies for Retailers.”

I meet their President and Chief Ethics Officer, Bob Spence, about a year ago through a mutual friend at my favorite hang-out, Starbucks. I did not think much of the meeting or that we would ever meet again until we both showed up at a investors meeting in Guatemala in the fall of 2008. This is where I learned the ingredients of what has made OmniSolv a unique and successful organization.

Bob and I began a discussion in Guatemala about missions that eventually lead to my understanding of OmniSolv’s purpose for existing, “Our purpose is to honor God by using our values to determine every decision,” Wow, I was blown away this! Here is a Christian business man who has taken his relationship with God beyond the doors of his church and home to his business. So much so that their purpose goes beyond a written statement to action. They are currently involved in supporting six non-profit organizations in their community. One of which is World Reach.

It was no surprise when Bob came to me and said I would like to go to Guatemala and see what is taking place and what opportunities his company might have. The surprise came when he said he would like to plan a trip so his employees could see first hand. Shocked, yet excited I began working on the logistics for OmniSolv’s first trip to Guatemala.

Day 1 – The week began when OmniSolv’s arrived in Guatemala City for the first leg of the trip which would require 16 hours of traveling to reach Morales, Izabal. This was without any issues other then a bent rim on the van which we found on Sunday morning as we were loading up for our short drive to Riachuelo. So we thought, after we changed the tire we discovered the one and ‘only’ bridge crossing at the river was under repair and would be unavailable to cross until after lunch. At the moment I remember thinking this was not a good sign, however the truth of the matter, this was only a small inconvenience.

Day 2 – We were able to make it to Riachuelo and participate in a wonderful church service with Pastor Jose Sanchez and enjoy lunch with his wife Marisol. We traveled out to another mission site called Bonanza where Pastor Sanchez has been working for a couple of years. The OmniSolv team worked all afternoon to provide medical attention to those who were in need.

Day 3 – The extreme mission trip began after we left Morales in the morning to travel up to the site where we would park the van and meet the caballeros who had the horses and mules. Yes, the terrain was so mountainous and difficult we had to load up the pack mules and ride horseback for one and a half hours to arrive in Tres Pinos. This was my second trip and the landscape and scenery along the way was more incredible than before.

Day 4,5 – Life as a general rule in Tres Pinos is difficult. You quickly learn that disease and poor health are the rule and not the exception. With no electricity or clean sources for drinking water, sanitation practices are difficult to maintain. In spite of this for two days the team worked diligently to provide medical care to the 60 plus families who live there. We also were able to help Pastor Vicente extend a fence with the expert of the team. The final night we attended a church service lead by Pastor Vicente and at the end of the service OmniSolv presented the students of the local school with school supplies.

Day 6 – Travel day. Two hours down the mountain, one hour to Morales and 6 hours to Guatemala City. It was a long day.

Day 7 – We spent the day touring the Greenhouse Project and touring the ministry opportunities in Jocotillo with Pastor Jake Harder. For more on the ‘Greenhouse Project’ May 4, 2009.

Day 8 – It was a long week, a lot of traveling and a lot of ministry happened.

It was refreshing to see God use a for profit organization to fulfill His plan. I was most impressed with the commitment OmniSolv demonstrated in living out their purpose.

“They honored God by using their values to determine every decision.”

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