Yes, Choose Me Lord!
- May
- 16
- Posted by Willene Byrd
- Posted in News Posts
- 1
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land. Isaiah 1:19
Joanna Weaver writes in her book “Having a Mary Spirit”, “Once you say yes to the Lord, you won’t know exactly where you end up, but you can know you’ll always find your way home.” She expresses that saying yes to God is the beginning and then we move along one yes at a time. It is amazing what God can do with a heart that says yes in spite of the cost.
Saying yes to Guatemala was about advancing God’s Kingdom, but He had so much more in mind. He is blessing us and teaching us so many new things. My 14 year old daughter, Taylor, has been learning about humility with a kind and gentle spirit. There have been some rough roads for her to travel, but she came to me just last night and said that God was moving in her to get rid of everything that was a source of pride to her. She feels like God is stripping her of everything but Him. This morning she left with her book bag full of “things” to give away today. With obedience comes deliverance and I believe she is on her way.
Every Sunday morning we travel an hour to our church where Bobby, Taylor and I work in Sunday School and Junior Church. So on Sundays I head off with my bag of crafts and my lesson in hand, but every Sunday I walk away blessed beyond measure. What a privilege it is to share Christ with these kids every week. This week we are going to be studying the life of Samson and his incredible strength. His strength was in his obedience; saying yes to God, but when he chose his own path there was no more strength. Spanish is the hardest thing I have ever tried to learn, but in my obedience He gives me strength every Sunday to share with these kids. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit speaks to their hearts in their own language.
Bobby teaches the adult class and I am amazed at what he is doing. The people there love him because they can see the love of Christ shining through him. I am so thankful for Bobby and the life that he leads. He washes me with God’s word and is teaching me so much.
I would say we are all learning more about humility and love. I pray that God pours me out like a drink offering for the people that He has called us to work with. Thank you for your continued prayers that we will be living water drinking fountains in this drought-stricken land.
“You and I have been cleansed – and filled – in order to be spilled.” Joanna Weaver
It is so awesome to hear how God is working!!!! Can’t wait to come and help.