A better plan by greater means

February 25th I traveled with Michael Vines to Guatemala to check out several pieces of property which were available for purchase. We would be meeting several other members of the World Reach board along with our contact in Guatemala.

Ron, Ed, Estuardo, Michael, Jake, Renee and myself set out early to walk the 3 locations which were on the outskirts of Jocotillo, the future home of the World Reach ministry hub and Camino del Rey Church. I must say, at the time I was not real sure which direction we were going. Land in Guatemala sales at a premium which is a surprise to most people because they equate extreme poverty to cheap land. Well let me help you clear up the misconception on land prices, you see Guatemala sits on what is know as the Caribbean Plate and if you know your Plate Tectonics (Geology 101) you know there are a lot of volcanoes in the area. The down side, terrain level enough to build on would cost more because there is less of it. In spite of the challenges before us we believed God had a piece of land already picked out for World Reach.

Money in hand, negotiate with the owner, deal closed right? Wrong, sitting at the table and listening to the negotiations go back and forth in Spanish I knew this was not working out in our favor. At the time I remember thinking “Lord, this is not going go through!” I began praying “Lord, you are the creator of the universe and all that exists is yours, if you want us to have this land for your purpose you are going to have the change this man’s heart right now!” I remember hearing Estuardo tell the land owner this is for the people of Joctillo and the man replied, “A Church, a Evangelical Church, hmm.” “Ok.” I am convinced God heard my prayer and the prayers of the other people at the table that day. If God calls us, He will equip us and see it through to the very last detail. We have to show up and be available.

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